Life Planning 5 Minutes

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

1. The things that i like about this class is that we have free time, Ctr card checks, and activities. I like that we have free time because it gives us a break from always doing work in class. It also gives me a chance to chat with my friends, and chance to be on my phone. I like that we have ctr card checks, because i always carry it with me. And i like the fact that Mr. Haymore gives out chocolates if you were the chosen one and that you had your ctr card.

2. Some things which is only one thing is that we can choose to sit. Meaning that the teacher has to assign us to this kind of seating chart. Other than that i have no complaints at all.

3. I think that some recommendations for this class is to do real life experiments with technology. I think that from those experiences we as students can learn more and it can be easier. But if that is not possible then i think a group activity can be nice because it is something that we never tried before. And in the end we can learn much more about computing and get things done on a computer.

4. I think that a highlight for me in this class is that i do the homework that Mr. Haymore give us. Other than that i think that i'm just like everyone else in this class. I don't really try to be better than anyone, i just do my work and get it done.

5. I didn't really do my best that i can but i did put lots of effort into my work. All the work that is assign to me is i try to finish because if i don't do it it will reflect my grade. So if i want a good grade i have to get my work done.

6. Yes i am reading and writing in my life planning journal, i may not write in it every day but i do jot down upcoming goals that i want to accomplish. I do spend time in the sharpen the saw part as well, i jot down some ways on how i can benefit my self and just make my self better. Overall i think that i spend more time in the goals section because there are always goals to accomplish.

7. Yes i am committed as a ctr person because i never did any kind of drugs. I dont bully anyone, i am nice to people and to stay away from fighting. Thanks to the rules and keys of being successful  now i know how to change into being a better person. Which i think that most people need because in today society it is just peer negativity. This is what we dont want we want positivism because that make the world a better place for us all.  

Friday, December 9, 2016

David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA

Admission Requirements:
 1 year of:

  • English
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Mathematics 
Computer is required

Tuition Fees
Application fee: $85
Tuition in state  (full time): $31,731
Tuition out of state (full time): $43,976

Monday, December 5, 2016

The 10 Keys to Personal Power

Brian Tracy

Key 1: Clarity

"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you are going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

  I think that this key is important because when you have a vision of you being something in life then you are going to have to work for it. Having that vision in mind will help me choose on what is next after high school. Once you know on who you are going to be and what are you going to do then you have that clarity vision. That is what you want because you will already have your vision while others don't. Just to be able to have that clarity in mind will help the people who seek to fulfill their dreams. Overall in my opinion if you don't have clarity on what you want to do in life then you are not ready to move on to the next level.

Key 2: Competence

" If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

   When you have competence you have the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. which means that a person who has competence will be able to do things successfully and efficiently. I think that the people who have competence will have a better chance at doing lots of successful things that other people can't do. Competence is an ability that all people should have because then everyone can have the ability to do things efficiently and successfully.

Key 3: Concentration

" Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time ?" before you start anything."

I think that when you concentrate on something you have a better chance at doing it right. For example if you are a planning something make sure you put concentration on it. Because when you are finish that plan will most likely come out as hoe you wanted to.

Key 4: Common Sense

  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition 
  • learn from setbacks
I think that when everyone uses common sense things can appear much easier. Meaning that if you know basically all of the self explanatory situations then you are ready for the world. We have to make smart decisions every time we make a decision.

Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

I think that creativity is important because the human brain can do so much things. We United States are known for creativity because we invents lots of things. With creativity we can do so much things like take our creative ideas and turn them to real life. We humans can make up so many ideas do to our creativity. Having creativity is very important because when you are creative you focus on the little details as well. This is what makes each and every human unique, also because not every human has the same ideas so that means that every one is different. That is even better because then we humans can have a variety of ideas to follow and make them reality.

Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationship with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were born to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."

I think that every one takes things into consideration because we all have to think on our decisions that we make. Consideration just means thinking carefully, for example if i stun upon a decision then i will have to think it over carefully or in other words take it into consideration. In order to be successful you have to take lots of things into consideration because there are some things that can harm you and there is some that will benefit you. That is why you have to think carefully on what you are going to decide on because ever decision you make it will affect you in the future.

Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you'll do something you do it."

I think that when a person has consistency others will rely on that person because he or she is dependable on doing there things. These type of people are consistent because they are responsible of there doings. When you are consistent you are basically doing things very frequently. Which is good because that is a sign that you are not a person who gives up. We have to follow these kinds of people because they are not lazy when it comes to work.

Key 8: Commitment 
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."

I think that when you commit to something or someone you are going to complete it no matter what it takes. In order to be a high achiever in life you are suppose to commit to the things that you want to achieve. If you don't commit, you will never achieve goals that you want to achieve. This is why you have commit without commitment there will never be any progress in achieving anything. For example if you want to do better at your job then you have to commit fully to that job in order to move forward.You can think of anything that you want to do but if you don't commit to it you will not get far.

Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

I think that it is very important to have courage because when you do you are up for it. But when you don't have courage you wont be able to do anything. It is great to have courage because we all need courage in order to do something that we don't want to. If you have a goal you have to have courage in order to achieve it but if you lack courage the goal will fade away. This is why we all need courage in our lives it will help us all with making decisions and actions. 

Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

I think that if we all have confidence we can all achieve great things in life. Having confidence is very important because confidence helps you with determination towards anything in life. Confidence is very similar to courage, both help help you to be persistent and determinate to do anything. When you have confidence you are up for the challenge and you wont back down. Overall in order to complete or achieve something you have to have confidence because it will give you a boost of self motivation.


Write a final all- encompassing reflection about the 10 keys to personal power.

1) How can they benefit you?
2) Which keys are you applying now, and what differences are they making in your life?
3) How will you in incorporate the other keys into your life planning plans?

Overall i think that all of these 10 keys will benefit any person who lacks in this specific area because it will give them so much motivation and self confidence. These keys will give you the courage that you need in order to do things. I think that these keys will help you mentally and physically in any situation. Once you follow these 10 keys you will be able to achieve anything because you have no doubt and you are not afraid to take risks. Each key tells you what you have to do in order to be beneficial in life

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Character and Personality

   In this video i learn that a variety of people focus more on character then personality.  Even though personality is important working on character ethics is more important. Having a good character means having a good personality. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

7 Habits of Highly Effective People-Lecture 22 (Habit 2)

    I learned that when i begin with the end in mind i am the guardian, the protector of my identity, of my future. I also learned that in habit 2 i decide what my life is going to be about or in other words i write the program. Life is created twice always, even though i don't action for myself, life will show it for me. I even learned that the first creation is an intellectual creation and the second creation is a physical creation. The reason organisations split is because they don't have a common vision. An organization can not begin with end in mind because there is no vision. To begin with end in mind applies to every field of human endeavor. I overall learned that if i don't take care of the first creation, it will be done for me. 
7 Habits of Highly Effective People-Lecture 1

    I learn that to be come a highly effective person is not easy and it is a challenge to overcome. To get the most of the 7 habits i need to be open minded so i can discover things myself. I will also need to participate and get involved in many things so i can use these habits. I also learned that habits are formed by knowledge, skills, and desire. In order for me to have habits in my life i need to have all of these three components for  it to work. I even learned that habits express our character so if i want to show good character then i will need to have good habits. In addition if i put time and effort towards the 7 habits then i can really make a change but that is all up to me. I will use these 7 habits so i can have better character i my life, also to make a personal change.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


This year for halloween i dressed up as michael myers and i walk through people houses to get some candy but also to scare people which in my opinion was very fun. At first there was one in sight until i walk to the corner and i saw a couple walking so i hid behind the wall then when they came close enough i jumped out and i pulled out my fake knife and they started to run. I was just dying of laughter so then i went to this house to get candy, it had many decorations that made the house stand out so when i got to the door there was a jar full of candies so i just grab two handfuls of candy and went on to the next house. Moving on i saw my friend trick or treating as well he was dressed up as a ninja turtle. My friend and i decided to trick or teat togther so went on to the next house he knocked on the door and a scary guy just jumps out the door and scared the life out me and my friend but then he gave us a full chocolate bar which was cool.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habits us the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It say, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm reasonable for my own happiness or unhappiness. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness to unhappiness. I am in the drivers seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

   When you be proactive you make things happen which means that you are not just waiting around for things to happen by themselves. People who are proactive are high achievers because they don't wait around, they go and do it themselves. These kind of people are very successful in life because they make things  happen in life. If we can people like this all around the world then we have the chance to make the world a better place for us people.

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
"Control your own destiny or some one else will." (Jack Welch)
"When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now." (Covey)

   This mean that every day you begin with a clear vision of what you are going to do and that that should always be your first priority. This is a good  habit because when doing this you always know what to do without confusion which is very good if you want to be a highly effective person. For example in stressed out of school and i cant think straight so i go to sleep. Then i wake up and its the next day in order for me to go through the day i have to have a clear vision of what i am going to do today. Which means that nothing should be in my mind except the things that are priority to me. If you want to be a highly effective person then you have to begin with the end in mind because that is how you will do things more easily through your life.

Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities."

   I think that this means that before you do anything you have to put first priority on top of the list.When you have something to do first that is important make sure that you do it because then you can get on to the other things. When this is done you automatically start on a new thing which is good. Being organize is the key in this habit because when you have everything organize then it makes it much easier for you.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win 
"Think win-win or no deal"

   I think that this mean that you always have to think of victory which is a good thing. If you want to be a winner then you are going to do what it takes to be a winner and overcome obstacles that come in your way. If you have a goal in mind then make sure you try to accomplish so you can be a winner.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood 
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

   This means that in order to understand things you have to seek first to be understood. Basically saying pretty much know what you are doing and then you will be understanding. I think that this a good habit because when we understand things it makes it easier for other people to understand you. Life may be complicated but if you understand it than it will understand you. If i wanted to be an effective person then i will have to seek first so i can understand later.

Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"

   This means that it involves teamwork, open-mindedness and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. I think that this is a good habit because when we synergize we fixed problems and we make things happen in progress. If we want to be effective people then we need to synergize because that is how things will happen. Things will not happen on there own we people have to make it happen that is how change comes to be about.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
The Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional

   This means that when you are doing a thing for several days straight and you are not making any progress then you will have to sharpen the saw once a while. Now knowing what this means i think that this habit is very useful because when you are doing something over and over again and you are not making any kind of progress then i think its time to star all over again. Once you start then make sure that this time you make progress out of what you are doing.

   Overall i think that these 7 habits are really good ways to be a highly effective person. Each habit can do so much effect because each habit will make you do something that will change you. I think that these habits are really important because it will improve you as a being in many ways. If you really do follow these habits i know that there is going to be some change. I will commit by follow all of the seven habits one by one. Once i have mastered the first habit then i will move onto the next and keep going until i finish mastering all seven habits. In the end once i finish i will see if there was any change in me or my being itself. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

UC San Diego School of Medicine

Location: 9500 Gilman Drive Mail Code 0602, La Jolla, CA 92093-0602

Admission and Requirements: AMCAS Application

Monday, October 24, 2016

Battlefield 1

   When i first got this game i was really excited i knew that it was going to be a good game. I liked
that it came with the hellfighter pack so you could download it to add on to game. When i first started to play the game it automatically took me to the campain of the game. At first the controls felt weired but then i got used to it. In my opinion i think that i am better of as scout because you are the sniper for the team. So you get on high groynds and you kill people from there which in my opinion is more safer. Overall the game is fun when you have your team such as friends onine to play conquest wich is a good game mode for team up situations. I was actually playing the other day with a friend and it was lots of fun because you get to communicate with them and make a plan or make a srike. It is very realistic due to the fact that it takes place in world of war, so you can imagine the old guns they have and the style they use to kill back in the day.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to remember peoples names

  1. Commit: Begin by making a commitment-a conscious decision-to remember peoples names
  2. Concentrate: you can only remember what you observed the first place
  3. Repeat: repetition helps engrave the names in your memory 
  4. Associate: Try to make an association between the persons face and an image the name suggests

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sky Zone Fail

   A month ago my uncle took my brothers and i to sky zone at first it look childish but then i saw adults and older jumping and doing crazy stunts. Once i put on the special socks that the store gave us my brothers and i went to the trampolines. At first it felt weird but then i got the hang of it. Then i started to jump higher and higher but then it got a little to high so a drop down a notch. After that i start seeing people do back flips, front flips, and even flps out the wall. I was a little scared to try it but then my brother encourage me to do it. So i tried to do a font flip and i almost had it first trhy but then i land it the second try. Then i tried to do it one more time and i fall on my neck and i kneed my nose.
How to win Friends and Influence People

Six Ways to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
1) "Do this and you will be welcome anywhere."
2) "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
3) "Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering."

   If you want to make friends and to actually make people like you then you have to be interested in them. Friends don't just come like that, you have to get to know them and then make sure to trust each other. If you want people to like you then you have to be interested in making friends. People want to know other people who are a good person and a positive one as well. You won't get any interest if you are a bad person who likes to do bad things all the time. If you are looking for friend then go and find one be interested and other people will interested in you.

Rule 2: Smile
1) "Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you."
2) "You don't feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile."

3) " It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."

   An easy way to make people like you and to want people to like you then all you have to do is smile. When you smile you show that you are happy and a positive person. People does not like other people who are bad mean and negative that is just the opposite. If you want to become that person who has lots of friends then you have to show them that you are a good person who is not up to bad things. When you smile or when you make a person smile it indicates that you or that person are happy. If you don't feel like smiling then find something to smile for and it will change everything. Its better to have a smile then not have one.

Rule 3: Remember names
1) "A mans name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
2) "If you sont remember names, you are heaeded for trouble."

When trying to make friend it is very good to remember there names because that shows interest in
them. If you dont remember names of the people who you meet then they wont be interested. For example if you meet some one you always say your name to them so they can know who you are. But if you forget then those people that you met will be forgotten friends.:

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
1) "If you aspire to be good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
2) "Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems.

It is good to be a good listener because you are acually paying attention to what the other person is saying. When you listen that gives the person a sign that they are not talking to themselves. That they are actually talking to someone who cares. That is what we want, we want people who care about what other people have to say.

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other mans interest

"The royal to a mans heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."

If you want to make friends or make people interested in you then talk about what they arenterested.Its easier to get someone to talk to you if you talk about they like, for example if that person likes to play video games then talk to him about video games and thats how you will start a good conversation with that person. In my opinion it can be difficult if you dont now what the person likes because then you wont know what to talk about with the person.

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely

" The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)" Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic."

If you want people to be interested in you then you have to be interested in them. By that i mean that you have to make the other person feel important and that they actually mean something to you. When you do this you imediatley show the person that you are interested and that you are trying to make friends. It is a sign to the people that you are trying to know, why because you are showing your interest to them which make them interested on you.

Final Refection: Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the "Six Ways to Make People Like you". Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the Six Rules.

   I think that these six ways are good ways to find interest in a person or to make a person have interest in you. The reason being is because i actually tried it with a friend and it worked just fine that why i belived that these six ways are actually true and they work. I think that each way is a step closer to make a person be interested i you or you interested in them. Once you get to the last way them you should almost be complete in making a friend ar having interest in someone. In my opinion these six ways will last a lifetime so you are not in a rush you can start when ever you want.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

 The Medical University of South Carolina 

   Admission Requirements:
  1. Medical College admission test
  2. At least 90 semester hours are required 
  3. Complete AMCAS application and MUSC application
  4. In addition, 3 letters of recommendation- 2 from science professors and 1from non-science Professors
  1. Application fee is $85
  2. Its tuition full time (in state) is $33,388
  3. Its tuition full time (out of state) is $59,852
Degrees Offered: 
  1. M.D
  2. PH.D.
  3. Bachelor's Degree
  4. Master's Degree
  5. Doctorate Degree

Areas of Study and Specialization:
  1. Cell Biology and Neuroscience
  2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  3. Developmental and Biology and Anatomy
  4. Microbiology and Immunology
  5. Obstetrics and Gynecology
  6. Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Science
  7. Pharmacology and Physiology

 I wouldn't attend there because i am not interested in the medical field but if i were to be interested then yes i would attend to this school because it looks nice and clean. Also because it offers lots of programs and opportunities for the  specific area of study you want to go in. They also offer several degrees that you would want to earn. Another reason why is because it is not that expensive compared to other medical schools. Overall this school is a solid school in my opinion because it is not the best school neither a bad school. I would rate this school 8.5 out of 10, but i like that you have many opportunities when it comes to majoring on a specific topic.  

1 vs. 1

   Yesterday i was in my housing just laying down until my friend calls me and asks me if i wanted to get a one vs one on call of duty black ops 2 and i agreed. So he comes over to my place and we start warming up with a free for all match. After that we started the one on one, he was kind of a challenge so i put a lot of focus into the game. It was a snipers only match and it was up to 50 kills. I had lead with 46 kills and my friend only had 28. Once i got to 49 kills i decided to end the match with a trick shot. In two tries i surprisingly hit the shot. I ended up finishing the match with a 720 inst-swap no scope. I was very pleased because it was a nice shot, my friend was upset because he didn't win but i told him that there is always a next time. So the final score was 50-33 and i won the match. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Call of Duty Black Ops 3

   Bo3 is a game that i play at home it is a really cool and fun game. I have some great experiences
when playing the game, a plus to the game is that you can play with you friends around the world. The servers aren't really that bad but sometimes there can be lagging so be aware. I think this game is a really good game because it performs well overall, like it doesn't freeze when gaming more than 8 hours straight. To me the game is awesome because you get to customize your own weapon and your specialist, which is another plus to the game. I like the fact that the game gives you a variety of weapons, melee weapons, and dlc weapons. It also offers gear for the specialist characters and variants for most weapons in the game. The only way of getting these things are in rare supply drops. They are pretty much care packages that contain 3 things. Depending on you luck you can either get commons, rares, legendaries, and epics. In legendaries you have a chance at getting dlc melee weapons and in epics you have a chance of getting dlc weapons. In my opinion this game offers so much things that makes it very addicting so you will spend your time more on the game then on anything else. Overall this game is a very solid game, because it has so many content that you need to experience yourself.

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
John R. Noe

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"

High Achievers.....

1. Make no small plans 

If you want to achieve higher things then you have to plan big. If you don't plan big then you are just going to achieve things that are small and you don't want that. Why because high achievers only go big or go home simple as that. For example at six flags they advertise to go big because the rides at that park are very crazy and huge. If i were a high achiever i would always plan big and achieve bigger things because in the end that is what i like to do. If you just want to be a high achiever then dont plan small its that simple.

I can implement this in my life by always making big plans and never planning small. I will strive for big things and not small things.

2. Do what they fear

If you do what other people fear then you are going to be ahead of them. When you are a high
achiever you willing to go big and to do what other people fear. High achievers don't do small things because they want to achieve things that are higher then what normally people would do. If i were a high achiever then i would do things that people wont do. For example like climbing a sky scraper when its still in process of building. Or even do crazy things that people wouldn't try. High achievers goal is to do things that will get rid of there fears. For example if you are scared of heights then you have to face that fear if you are a high achiever. Basically if you are a high achiever and you are scared of things then you you have to face them because you are a high achiever.

I can implement this in my life by facing my fears and overcoming them. Then once i am not afraid then i can be a true high achiever.

3. Are willing to prepare

High achievers are prepared to do anything, they are willing to do big things that normal people
would not do. If you want to be a high achiever then you must be prepared because when you are prepared you are ready for the next big thing. Being prepared is not difficult but if you want to be a high achiever then you will need to be prepared. Its good to be prepared because you are ready in case of something unexpected happening. Overall high achievers are prepared for anything including the unexpecting because normal people wouldn't be that prepared. If i were a high achiever i would be prepared in many ways. For example being prepared for events, trips, and etc. Its just good to be prepared when you are a high achiever.

I can implement this in my life by preparing my self to be a high achiever and to strive for big things.

4. Are willing to risk failure

If you are a high achiever then you are willing to risk failure. This means that if you are achieving
high things then you are going to do things that risk failure. Its bad for normal people because they are not willing but for high achievers its not because they are willing. If i were to be a high achiever then i will risk everything why because i want to achieve big thing and in order to that then you have to risk it. High achiever will risk failure because they know that they don't always win.

I can implement this in my life by risking failure in many situations like when it comes to many situations.

5. Are Teachable

Its good to be teachable because since were you are a high achiever you show the example to others. High achievers are known for doing extreme thing that a normal person wouldn't do. If you want more high achievers then you have to teach other people on how to be one. When you are teachable you are able to show and explain to people what you do and if they want to be a high achiever then why not teach them a few ways to become one. If i were a high achiever i would definitely teach other people what being a high achiever is all about. We want people to be high achievers or people who strive for big things and who doesn't plan small.

I can implement this in my life by teaching people that i know how to be a high achiever in many ways.

6. Have Heart

It is important to have heart because when you do you are nice and kind to people. If you want to be a high achiever then you have to have a heart and be a good person. A person who has a heart is a really good person when striving for big things. If i were to be a high achiever then i would have to have a heart. Its good to have a heart because some people now a days don't have one and there are just mean people. So if you are a high achiever then you have to have a heart.

I can implement this in my life by myself having a heart when being a high achiever. Also i will be a good person and treat everyone with respect.

Final Reflection: 

   I think that if you want to be a high achiever these attitudes are best guidance. High achievers are people who want to do big things and not be afraid of anything. When you apply these attitudes to yourself you are more likely to be a high achiever then a normal one. Each one of these attitudes is a step closer to be a high achiever some people think that its very hard to be a high achiever but its not. You only have to implement these six attitudes in you life and you will be good to go. If i were to start the progress of being a high achiever i would start with the first attitude and move on from there. I can implement this in my life by actually doing these attitudes and change from a normal person to a high achiever. Its not that easy to change but i really wanted to then i would put most of my effort to it. If you want to stop planning small then go big then be a high achiever for the rest of your life and you will no longer plan small or be afraid.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Way to Be 
9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life

Gordon B. Hinckley
   1. Be Grateful: 
   Being grateful is a very good way because when your grateful you appreciate. When you appreciate you are thankful. That's why its very good to be grateful. I think that this way can be one of the best ways because everyone should be grateful for what they have or for what they have been given. Always be happy with what you have because that's the meaning of grateful. For example we celebrate thanksgiving because we as people are grateful and thankful for the things that we have and things that are giving to us. If you are not grateful and doesn't appreciate then you must not enjoy happiness. I know that i'm very grateful and thankful for what i have and for the things that are given to me. Why because i know that you always have to be grateful for what you have. I might not have everything that i want but i always appreciate for what i do have. For example i am very grateful for the parents that i have because they are loving and caring. This is one thing that almost everyone should be thankful for because thanks to our parents we have life. That is a for sure the one thing that we as persons should be grateful about.

2. Be Smart:  

   Being smart is also a great way because when you are smart you know what you are doing. If you
are going to find a way to be happy then you are going to do to be happy the smart way. I think that this way is also a good way because there are people who are very smart. But they just don't know it. For example if you know that you are trying to be someone in life the smart thing to do is to finish high school and go to college. This is why being smart is one of the ways to be happy and to make something out of your life. People in general can use this way to be be happy as well. They don't really have to be smart as long as they know what they are deciding. When someone is smart they know what they are doing. They are also make the smartest decisions to make them happy and to actually doing something in life. For example you just finish college what are you going to do next the smartest thing to do is to applicate for a job. That is called being smart because you are making a choice that will make you happy.

3. Be involved in good works

  Being involved in great works is a good way to make you happy and to be something in life.You are doing something in life that is right and that will make you a person who does the right things. When you are involved in good works you are doing things to help others or to just do great things. If you take your own time to do things that you know that are good.Then you are considered to be someone who really cares about others. If you are involved in good works it can help you to become a better person. For example if you are involved in good works you can be a happy person because you are doing things for the better. And it is really good because there are people who dont really get involved and are just people who are negative and unhappy. But if you are involved and you are doing good things that must mean that you are positive and happy for what you are doing. Like if you are a person who sacrifices his or her time to do this kind of things then you must be a really good person. Being involved is a great way to start doing something about your life. It can probably be the start of your future path.

4. Be clean

   Being clean can be a good way of being happy. Why because, when you keep clean personally and
surroundings you are in a nice and clean environment. This is important because you can't be someone if you are not clean about yourself. For example if you are going to a job interview you wouldn't go all dirty and not in good hygiene. If you want that job to make you be someone in life then you are going to be clean and have good hygiene. Its simple being clean is one of the easiest ways to start of being happy and begin your life. In my opinion, i would always stay clean because being clean fells good. It adds a little bit of happiness because clean and ready to go. It is also good to keep your things clean and organize because if you are working and your boss see's that you are not clean and organize then he's going to be upset and probably even fire you. But if you are clean and you have all your papers and utensils organized on your desk. Then your boss might  compliment you on being clean. When someones clean they will will get their jobs done way easier and that;s just one of the pros of being clean.

5. Be True

   Being true is very important because if you are true you are honest. When you say the truth people
believe you, but if you tell a lie they wont believe you. If you want people to believe then say the truth and don't lie. If you are lying you are not just lying to them you are lying to your self. Thats why you have to say the truth all of the time. There are times where you will have to lie but it has to be for the good. You dont get nothing out of lying because you know its not true so why make it up. Telling the truth is very important because if you dont and if people find out they will never believe even though you ar saying the truth. Once you lie and people find out you lost that chance of them believing you ever again. If you want to be a happy person then dont lie because if you do you are going to start worrying about it. If you are trying to be someone in life then dont lie because lying will not take you any where. If you are trying to be a good person then dont ever lie because in the future you will regret it. Its not hard to say the truth just say it and never lie because then you will regret it.

6. Be Positive

   Being positive is also a great way to start being a happy person and to be someone in life. When
you are positive you are in a good mood to do things then that is the start you take to make a change or to start of a great path. If you are a negative person you are never going to do things that are right for your self. Change the way you feel and think can make you a happier person. When being positive it helps you see the good side of a bad thing and thats what matters. You shouldn't care about the negative things, care about thongs that are positive and that are going to help you in the near future. When you have courage and positivity you on the right track of making something out of your life and of course being the happiest person you can be. Its never wrong to be positive because being positive really helps in certain situations that can make change in a good way or a bad way. In my opinion i try to my best to be positive because having that positivity in mind makes me happy. There is no point in being negative because if you are negative then you are just a person who doesnt want to make somthing of his life or just being happy. When you are happy its brings you a good feeling to mind which makes you start doing good things.

7. Be Humble 
   Being humble is another good way of being happy because you are not showing off to other people
of you accomplishments.Many people do not care about what you have done or what you have one so why bragg about it. Does it really make you happy you are pretty much making those people feel bad because they dont have what you have. I can put this to my life because i am hunble because i dont like showing off things because there are people who cant afford it. That makes me feel bad because there are people in this world who just brag about what they have. But they dont notice that they are just hurting the people who dont have what they have. To me that is not fair, just because they dont have it doesnt mean you have to rub it all over there face. In my opinion that is not how it works appreciate what you have and stay humble because people do not want to know what you have that they dont have.

8. Be Still

   Being still can be a good way because when you are still you are in deep silence and you are calm.
Its good to be still at times in certain situations because you are calm and you are just silent. There are some situations where you have to be still or you face many consequences. When your are still, you are not acting al crazy you are just calm and quiet. I can impliment this to
my life by me actually being still in certain situations. For example if i wanted to

9. Be Prayerful

   Final Reflection

   These 9 ways are ways to be happy and make something out of your life by following them. I think that following these ways are important because i would need them to feel good and happy. I would also need these ways to make something out of my life. For example if i wanted to be some one important then i would need to follow the 9 ways. Why because it is like a guide that will giude me to happiness and to my goal of being an important person. Each of these ways has there benifits towards me thats why if i wanted to be happy and not have a boring life then i would need to follow these ways. In my opinion these ways really help someone in different areas like many of these ways can help me if i get in to them.


   "There they are, nine Be's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies. 
   They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
   This is time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What i tried to put forth ... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness-things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your braser desires. 
   If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
   At railrioad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were embazoned with the words, "Stop, Look, Listen." They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.

   I was riding in the midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant.

The better wat to Be is the way of these nine Be's. 

The years will inevitably pass, amd pass quickly, Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."