1. Be Grateful:
Being grateful is a very good way because when your grateful you appreciate. When you appreciate you are thankful. That's why its very good to be grateful. I think that this way can be one of the best ways because everyone should be grateful for what they have or for what they have been given. Always be happy with what you have because that's the meaning of grateful. For example we celebrate thanksgiving because we as people are grateful and thankful for the things that we have and things that are giving to us. If you are not grateful and doesn't appreciate then you must not enjoy happiness. I know that i'm very grateful and thankful for what i have and for the things that are given to me. Why because i know that you always have to be grateful for what you have. I might not have everything that i want but i always appreciate for what i do have. For example i am very grateful for the parents that i have because they are loving and caring. This is one thing that almost everyone should be thankful for because thanks to our parents we have life. That is a for sure the one thing that we as persons should be grateful about.
2. Be Smart:
Being smart is also a great way because when you are smart you know what you are doing. If you
are going to find a way to be happy then you are going to do to be happy the smart way. I think that this way is also a good way because there are people who are very smart. But they just don't know it. For example if you know that you are trying to be someone in life the smart thing to do is to finish high school and go to college. This is why being smart is one of the ways to be happy and to make something out of your life. People in general can use this way to be be happy as well. They don't really have to be smart as long as they know what they are deciding. When someone is smart they know what they are doing. They are also make the smartest decisions to make them happy and to actually doing something in life. For example you just finish college what are you going to do next the smartest thing to do is to applicate for a job. That is called being smart because you are making a choice that will make you happy.
3. Be involved in good works
Being involved in great works is a good way to make you happy and to be something in life.You are doing something in life that is right and that will make you a person who does the right things. When you are involved in good works you are doing things to help others or to just do great things. If you take your own time to do things that you know that are good.Then you are considered to be someone who really cares about others. If you are involved in good works it can help you to become a better person. For example if you are involved in good works you can be a happy person because you are doing things for the better. And it is really good because there are people who dont really get involved and are just people who are negative and unhappy. But if you are involved and you are doing good things that must mean that you are positive and happy for what you are doing. Like if you are a person who sacrifices his or her time to do this kind of things then you must be a really good person. Being involved is a great way to start doing something about your life. It can probably be the start of your future path.
4. Be clean
Being clean can be a good way of being happy. Why because, when you keep clean personally and
surroundings you are in a nice and clean environment. This is important because you can't be someone if you are not clean about yourself. For example if you are going to a job interview you wouldn't go all dirty and not in good hygiene. If you want that job to make you be someone in life then you are going to be clean and have good hygiene. Its simple being clean is one of the easiest ways to start of being happy and begin your life. In my opinion, i would always stay clean because being clean fells good. It adds a little bit of happiness because clean and ready to go. It is also good to keep your things clean and organize because if you are working and your boss see's that you are not clean and organize then he's going to be upset and probably even fire you. But if you are clean and you have all your papers and utensils organized on your desk. Then your boss might compliment you on being clean. When someones clean they will will get their jobs done way easier and that;s just one of the pros of being clean.
5. Be True
Being true is very important because if you are true you are honest. When you say the truth people
believe you, but if you tell a lie they wont believe you. If you want people to believe then say the truth and don't lie. If you are lying you are not just lying to them you are lying to your self. Thats why you have to say the truth all of the time. There are times where you will have to lie but it has to be for the good. You dont get nothing out of lying because you know its not true so why make it up. Telling the truth is very important because if you dont and if people find out they will never believe even though you ar saying the truth. Once you lie and people find out you lost that chance of them believing you ever again. If you want to be a happy person then dont lie because if you do you are going to start worrying about it. If you are trying to be someone in life then dont lie because lying will not take you any where. If you are trying to be a good person then dont ever lie because in the future you will regret it. Its not hard to say the truth just say it and never lie because then you will regret it.
6. Be Positive
Being positive is also a great way to start being a happy person and to be someone in life. When
you are positive you are in a good mood to do things then that is the start you take to make a change or to start of a great path. If you are a negative person you are never going to do things that are right for your self. Change the way you feel and think can make you a happier person. When being positive it helps you see the good side of a bad thing and thats what matters. You shouldn't care about the negative things, care about thongs that are positive and that are going to help you in the near future. When you have courage and positivity you on the right track of making something out of your life and of course being the happiest person you can be. Its never wrong to be positive because being positive really helps in certain situations that can make change in a good way or a bad way. In my opinion i try to my best to be positive because having that positivity in mind makes me happy. There is no point in being negative because if you are negative then you are just a person who doesnt want to make somthing of his life or just being happy. When you are happy its brings you a good feeling to mind which makes you start doing good things.
7. Be Humble
Being humble is another good way of being happy because you are not showing off to other people
of you accomplishments.Many people do not care about what you have done or what you have one so why bragg about it. Does it really make you happy you are pretty much making those people feel bad because they dont have what you have. I can put this to my life because i am hunble because i dont like showing off things because there are people who cant afford it. That makes me feel bad because there are people in this world who just brag about what they have. But they dont notice that they are just hurting the people who dont have what they have. To me that is not fair, just because they dont have it doesnt mean you have to rub it all over there face. In my opinion that is not how it works appreciate what you have and stay humble because people do not want to know what you have that they dont have.
8. Be Still
Being still can be a good way because when you are still you are in deep silence and you are calm.
Its good to be still at times in certain situations because you are calm and you are just silent. There are some situations where you have to be still or you face many consequences. When your are still, you are not acting al crazy you are just calm and quiet. I can impliment this to
my life by me actually being still in certain situations. For example if i wanted to
9. Be Prayerful
Final Reflection
These 9 ways are ways to be happy and make something out of your life by following them. I think that following these ways are important because i would need them to feel good and happy. I would also need these ways to make something out of my life. For example if i wanted to be some one important then i would need to follow the 9 ways. Why because it is like a guide that will giude me to happiness and to my goal of being an important person. Each of these ways has there benifits towards me thats why if i wanted to be happy and not have a boring life then i would need to follow these ways. In my opinion these ways really help someone in different areas like many of these ways can help me if i get in to them.
"There they are, nine Be's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What i tried to put forth ... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness-things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your braser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railrioad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were embazoned with the words, "Stop, Look, Listen." They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.
I was riding in the midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant.
The better wat to Be is the way of these nine Be's.
The years will inevitably pass, amd pass quickly, Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."