Ten Tips for Being more Truthful
- Make a commitment to tell the truth
- Tell someone about your commitment
- Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason
- Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm or irony
- Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it
- Don't indulge in little white lies
- Watch out for silent lies
- When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse
- Talk to yourself
- Treat yourself when you tell the truth
These ten tips can benefit me because i will improve in being honest and trustworthy to people. I think that these ten tips can help change a person who lies onto a person who is honest and reliable. Each tip will improve your ways of telling the truth and decrease the amount of times you lie. Nothing would be better to live in a world where people do not lie because then you wouldn't have to worry about untrustworthy people. One example of me applying these tips to my life is by watching out for silent lies. There always silent lies but we just don't know because they are silent so you will not find out until someone tells who knows. Another example is using the first tip which is to make a commitment to tell the truth. I then that by following this tip you wont ever lie again because you are already committing to it.The third example is by following tip ten in this tip it just tells you that when telling the truth you feel good about yourself because you are doing something good. Which is a good thing when trying to improve your trustworthy skills. My last example can be is tip four, many people who tell stories or events get carried away and start to input lies into there stories to make it better but in reality that is not the way to go so it better of not to do that and just stick to the truth. These ten tips are important to live with because it will change you as a person either internally or externally.